10 Ways The Trump Administration Has Harmed The Environment

  • They have diminished the prosecuting power of the environmental protection agency (EPA) to the point where prosecutions have hit a 30 year low.
  • Trump signed an executive order for a 30% logging increase on public lands.
  • America's oceanic and atmospheric administration has allowed companies to start using seismic airgun blasts. Which are known to be harmful to a plethora of marine life
  • Revoked over 64 environmental regulations with plenty more regulations to be revoked in the near future. These include laws limiting harmful emissions and toxic waste, and laws preventing companies from using public land for environmentally harmful endeavours.
  • Trump pulled the USA out of the Paris climate agreement. Which is a global initiative to help prevent, mitigate, and deal with climate change
  •  Trump's EPA scraps clean power plan. This was one of Obama's plans to reduce energy sector carbon emissions 32% by 2030 
  • Changes to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act which mean countries are no longer responsible for how their activities affect birds
  • Revoked Rules Meant to limit the releasing and leaking of chlorofluorocarbons (some of the most damaging greenhouse gases) from refrigeration and air conditioning systems
  • Revoked an Executive order from Obamas administration which ordered the federal government to reduce its greenhouse gases by 40% over 10 years.
  • Allowed the EPA and states to take longer to enact plans to reduce greenhouse gases emitted from landfill