Our Charitable Donations

What We Do

Here at Garden we pride ourselves on doing our utmost to help combat the current climate crisis. This is why we pride ourselves on donating 25% of all of our profits to charities helping to fight climate change. 

Have Your Say!

You decide which charity we donate 25% of profits to each month. Each order on our site gives you the opportunity to vote for one of 4 charities. And at the end of the month the charity with the most votes will receive 25% of all profits made by Garden in that month. 
After you order with us you will be able to vote for whichever charity you would like through an email we will send you.

This Months Charities:

Sierra Club

The Sierra club is an american charity which focuses on amplifying the power of donations in order to stop the exploitation of the earths natural resources by powerful companies. They are currently fighting the Trump administrations flagrant exploitation of natural resources.


350 is an environmental charity with 3 simple goals to put a halt to climate change:
A fast & just transition to 100% renewable energy for all, No new fossil fuel projects anywhere, Not a penny more for dirty energy. With one over arching goal which has given them their name, to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere to 350 parts per million — the safe concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Rainforest Alliance

The Rainforest Alliance is an international charitable organisation which focuses on putting a stop to deforestation and creating more sustainable economic opportunities and working conditions for people living in rural conditions. They are also fighting for human rights and creating natural resilient solutions to climate change.


Earth Justice is a charity which focuses on keeping large companies from exploiting the planet. They work internationally and currently have almost 700 active legal proceedings, all fighting companies who aim to exploit the planet. They have four focus areas: the arctic, the ocean, wild lands and wild life.